New brand questionnaire.Interested in working together? Fill out some info and we will be in touch again shortly! Business name * Please summarise your business in less than 3 sentences * Please list any relevant links to your business website and/or social media accounts * Which are the three most important values for your business? If I am creating a logo for you please consider this question carefully, as this may help with ideas (Eg if you want to say you value the environment the colours could be green, or if you want to show your business is caring we could include a heart / hands) * Please give links (websites / social media profiles) of 3 businesses whose branding you admire (they don’t have to be within your field), and briefly let me know your favourite thing about each * 6. Is there a specific deadline for the work to be completed? * How did you hear about us? Google search Personal reccomendation Instagram Any additional info I might need to know? Thank you, I will be in touch!